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Tag: books

  • A Short Horror Story: What Flavours The World?

    I woke up to what seemed like a pretty normal day, for the year 2020. Followed the same routine, the same workout & got dressed up for work; only then, I heard a commotion outside. People were protesting, but why?

    “FIND THE RECIPE! WE WANT THEM BACK!”, shouted the protesters.

    Protestor holding Find the Recipe sign #Oreo

    Suddenly, my phone started to ring; it was Eric. “Hey Eric!”, I answered, “What’s u…”.

    “Dude, stop whatever you are doing RIGHT NOW and GO, CHECK THE NEWS!”, he interrupted! “It’s 2020, we’ve already seen the World War 3, the Australian Bushfires & the Coronavirus… What else could be worse? A Kraken appearing in the sea?”, I joked as I turned on the TV and tuned to the news.

    “JUST GO AND WATCH”, he replied in a serious tone. Okay now, I don’t have a good feeling about this. A grim moment awaits me as the words begin to flash on screen and I stare, open-mouthed, in horror! THIS CAN’T BE! Reading that the WORLD WAS ABOUT TO END, would have been a way better experience; but NOT THIS! This is utterly horrific! 2020 once again turned into a nightmare! Everything in eternity is about to lose it’s flavour!


    Humanity has lost the very definition of versatility! No More delicious biscuits, cheesecakes, ice creams and cookies! 🍰🍨🍪



    I hope you enjoyed this piece of writing and it’s the first time I attempted a short horror story (okay, not-so-horror comedy 🤪). And since the entire world has stopped and we are all going through quarantine and isolation, here’s something that will prevent you from getting bored:

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