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Doctor Who: The Lonely Assassins Review

Do want a sequel to the popular Doctor Who episode: Blink, from Series 3? Or are you a Doctor Who fan who’s also into those ‘missing-mobile-phone-horror’ games? If yes, then you are definitely in for a surprise cause here we go for the Doctor Who The Lonely Assassins review!

What is it about?

Doctor Who The Lonely Assassins Review Gameplay
A still from the PC version of The Lonely Assassins [Steam].

The story heavily involves the Weeping Angels and builds upon the events of Blink. The gameplay of Doctor Who: The Lonely Assassins involves searching for clues on Larry Nightingale’s phone, who has gone missing, and reporting the events to Petronella Osgood.

Can you play Doctor Who: The Lonely Assassins without watching the show?

YES! The only prerequisite is to watch Blink, the tenth episode of the 3rd series from Doctor Who. Of course, there are other references from the show but they have absolutely no impact on the story line and are only present as fun Easter eggs.

Where can I download Doctor Who The Lonely Assassins?

The PC version of The Lonely Assassins is available for download on Steam, Epic Games & GOG game stores. While the Android version is available here on Google Play and the iOS version is available on the Apple App Store.

So how’s the game?

The Lonely Assassins has a fun and engaging gameplay which lasts for approximately 3 and a half hours. The Weeping Angels and the actors make you feel like you are the part of the episode.

If you have played such missing-mobile-phone games before, it might be a repetitive experience for you and may hamper your ‘wow-factor’ associated with the game. The challenges are pretty easy if you have played the games of this specific genre before.

Also, if you complete all the objectives (including the optional ones), you unlock a secret ending which gives a proper closure to the story. But after watching Blink, the story feels milked and pretty obvious, yet the game manages to keep you hooked.

Pretty great for a quick-play and as a follow up to Blink!

Verdict: 8/10

And by the way, if you are bored and you are looking for a list of fun films to watch, make sure to check out our list of The 10 Greatest Films of the Previous Decade!

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